NANA Coffee Roasters Bangna分店的设计概念是创造空间,增强人们的咖啡饮用体验,让咖啡成为人们关注的主要焦点。设计师简化了建筑语言,并且将建筑空间与景观和谐地结合起来,创造出一种郁郁葱葱的花园景观氛围,吸引游客远离嘈杂的Bangna-Trad高速公路,将他们的注意力转移到咖啡上。

The concept of NANA Coffee Roasters, Bangna Branch is to create spaces that enhance the coffee-drinking experience where the coffee becomes the main center of attention. The architectural expression of the project was simplified, while the design is shifted to combine architectural spaces harmoniously with the landscape to create a lush atmosphere that draws the visitors away from buzzing Bangna-Trad motorway, redirecting their focuses onto the coffee.

▽从室外看向咖啡店内,From the outside looking into the coffee shop.


Through this concept, the boundaries between the three practices; architecture, interior, and landscape are blurred - the realism of the exterior and interior are connected. These “blurred”spaces create “undefined areas” where instagram-ability is naturally made to be less important than the visitor’s “experience” of indulging in a high quality cup of coffee.

▽郁郁葱葱的花园景观,Lush garden landscape.

▽建筑分析图,Architectural Analysis Drawing.

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The main buildings in the front are a result from maintaining continuity in the roofline with the existing building, which extends into three masses where the Speed Bar and the indoor seats are located. Green areas of the landscape infiltrate the gaps between these masses and flow into the interior with the use of reflective glass mosaics on the ceiling.

▽建筑屋顶线的连续性,Continuity of building roof line.

▽建筑与景观相互渗透,Interpenetration between architecture and landscape.


The front part of the existing building is renovated as a part of the Slow Bar and service zone .The restrooms located at the back of these buildings, are designed as independent pods, surrounded by the landscape for added privacy. All buildings are designed to be simple and functional, this simplicity continues into the design of the interior, where the main focus still revolves around the coffee drinking experience.

▽慢吧台服务区,Slow Bar Service Area.



The counters wrapped around the perimeter of the room to direct customer's attention to the coffee instead of having conversation. The counters have uneven contoured surfaces,which cause the customer to concentrate on the placement of their coffee and the drinking experience. The counter also doubled as “social distancing” while referring to the northern mountain range where the coffee beans are grown.

▽餐桌环绕着房间的四周,The counters wrapped the perimeter of the room.

▽凹凸不平的餐桌,The counters have uneven contoured surfaces.

家具分析图,Furniture Analysis Chart.

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店内的其他元素,例如标识系统也基于“集中”的概念进行设计,而大多数典型的标识都是为了吸引注意力,NANA Coffee Roasters的标识设计包含隐藏的细节,只有在被关注时才会显示出来。

Other elements such as signage is also designed based on this concept of “concentration”, whereas most typical signage wants to grab attention, the signage at NANA Coffee Roasters is designed to contain hidden details which are only revealed when being focused on.

▽室内细节部分,Interior details.

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▽建筑后面的洗手间,The restrooms located at the back of these buildings.


▽总平面图,General layout.

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▽室内平面图,Interior plan.

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Project title: NANA Coffffee Roasters Bangna

Location:Bangkok, Thailand

ADDRESS:Bangna, Bangkok, Thailand



OWNER:NANA Coffffee Roasters Bangna Co., Ltd.




CONTRACTOR:WimuN ConstrucOon Limited Partnership