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We intend to re-imagine our daily life through human behavior in space as the premise of design. It does not deliberately pursue the resolution of design techniques and return to the "original way" of life, nor is it too high profile, so as to obscure the power that life should have to infiltrate people's hearts. Whether it is to guide the function of space, or to ponder the subtleties, with an interpretable reason, attention to the space itself.


The separation between tradition and the present, the opposition between regional characteristics and global standards, what efforts should be made to resolve this contradiction and re-establish contemporary people's identity and cultural identity become the focus of our attention at the beginning of the design. In the project of Xingye · Qiyue Bay, we integrate the traditional Oriental charm into the cultural tone of the new era to show the characteristics of the new era.


Collision and fusion

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Design is always a discussion about urban development and planning, an exchange of spiritual culture and material fields. In Xingye Qiyue Bay, based on the design and research of material construction and interior basic function details, we make the site, material, space, structure, structure, etc. develop along the same thinking and logic, and produce constraints and collisions with each other. We use our own lost cultural elements to strongly associate the space, create the highest point of site experience and create a dialogue with the surrounding natural environment.


The abstract painting "Impression of Sheep" is placed in the sand table area. Around "water and ink" in the space flows and expands with the changes of spatial relationship and natural light and shadow, and becomes a variety of abstract elements bursting out everywhere, full of aura, forming a state of unity between the primitive and the divine with the sense of lines shuttling in the space.


The city itself is a collection of contradictions, where the new and the old, the traditional and the new collide and converge. In the spatial relationship, the atrium and the off-axis are adopted to simulate the interaction between the new and the old in the city, and the planning of the converging discrete and multiple dynamic lines satisfies the users' experience in the space.


The negotiation area of the Water bar makes use of the changes of light and shadow to make proportion between the warm and rough surface of the space, expressing the gentle and warm temperament, reflecting the exquisite lifestyle. The water bar is planned to integrate the theme of coffee with Western characteristics. The fragrance of coffee forms a collision of smells in the space.

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Get back to basics


Taking into account the balance between entry into the world and the world, the design is extremely restrained in the use of color, reflecting the meaning of returning to the pristine and true to the greatest extent, conveying a sheltered and calm state of mind to inherit the Oriental nine Realms spirit with modern language, and the poetic nature is dense in the flowing water.


Someone once discussed the east and West features of image space, and he summarized the differences from "appearance", "character" and "breath". Oriental features advocate nourishing the mind and pursuing a sense of clarity visually. Western sex advocates eye - pleasing, visual pursuit of quality.



项目名称 | 栖霞建设星叶栖悦湾展示中心

Qixia construction project name | star leaf yue wan exhibition center

项目地址 | 江苏南京

| jiangsu nanjing project address

项目面积 | 845㎡

Project area | 845 ㎡

项目落地 | 江苏成品家生活家居股份有限公司

Project ground | household co., LTD., jiangsu finished home life

成品家团队 | 张力、王悦、陈剑超

The home team | tension, wang yue, Chen Jianchao of finished product

硬装设计 | 矩阵纵横

Hard outfit design | matrix vertical and horizontal

软装设计 | 梵池设计

Soft outfit design | brahman pool design

空间摄影 | 南京黑曜石

Space camera | nanjing obsidian

设计时间 | 2022年

Design time | 2022