Ferne Jacobs 最初是一名画家,在 1960 年代中期探索三维绘画的可能性,然后转向编织。她参加了 Arline Fisch 和 Olga de Amaral 等前卫纤维艺术家的研讨会。到 1970 年,她开始制作三维纤维片。在艺术与设计博物馆展览织物雕塑(1972)之后,雅各布斯的作品引起了全国的关注,许多收藏家对她的作品产生了兴趣。除了许多著名收藏品中的作品外,Jacobs 自 1972 年以来一直在教授和讲授纤维艺术和设计。

教育:1960-63 年,艺术中心设计学院;1964-65,普拉特学院;MFA,克莱蒙特研究生院,1976

Ferne Jacobs began as a painter, exploring the possibilities of three-dimensional painting in the mid-1960s, and then moving on to weaving. She attended workshops by such avant-garde fiber artists as Arline Fisch and Olga de Amaral. By 1970, she started to make three-dimensional fiber pieces. After the Museum of Arts & Design exhibition Sculpture in Fabric (1972), Jacobs gained national attention for her work and many collectors became interested in her pieces. In addition to her artwork, which is in many prominent collections, Jacobs has taught and lectured on fiber arts and design since 1972.

Education: 1960-63, Art Center College of Design; 1964-65, Pratt Institute; M.F.A., Claremont Graduate School, 1976


Ferne Jacobs, Waterfall, coiled and twined linen thread, 95" × 26" × 4”, 2019, $75,000

3fj Interior Passages, Ferne Jacobs,

coiled and twined waxed linen thread, 54” x 16” x 4”, 2017, $Call

4fj Open Globe, Ferne Jacobs, coiled and twined wax linen thread, 13” x 13”, 2001, $20,000

5fj Blue Wave, Ferne Jacobs, coiled and twined waxed linen thread, 19” x 17.5” x 6”, 1994, $35,000