Originally from Lille, Delphine Brabant (1964) comes from a family of artists. She began sculpting very early and was a student of Jean-Marc Lange in the 1990’s. She now lives and works in the Parisian region.

Delphine Brabant(1964年)来自里尔,来自一个艺术家的家庭。她很早就开始雕塑创作,并在20世纪90年代成为让-马克-兰格的学生。她现在在巴黎地区生活和工作。

Her apprenticeship first revolved around modelling live models.  Therefore, still attached to the representation of the human face, Delphine Brabant began researching notions of groups and verticality. She started shaping sculptures with ascending ‘forests of human beings’

她的学徒生涯首先是围绕着为活生生的模特做造型。 因此,仍然重视人脸的表现,德尔芬-布拉班特开始研究群体和垂直度的概念。她开始塑造具有上升的 "人类森林 "的雕塑作品。

Deeply fascinated with the concept of construction, Delphine Brabant composes her abstract sculptures like an architect, assembling and fitting together a multitude of simple forms. Inspired by nature as well as townships and frameworks, the artist tends to favor clean geometric shapes, further developing her art around a notion of balance and the interplay between solid and space.

Delphine Brabant对建筑的概念深深着迷,她像建筑师一样创作她的抽象雕塑,将众多简单的形式组装和装配在一起。受自然以及城镇和框架的启发,艺术家倾向于倾向于干净的几何形状,围绕平衡的概念和固体与空间的相互作用进一步发展她的艺术。

Whilst searching for a harmonious composition in an almost obsessive way, Delphine Brabant was somehow taken by the contradiction of forces. Her sculptures search the alternation between full and empty, strength and fragility as well as precarious stability and rigorous sensitivity.


Delphine Brabant shapes various materials, either noble and sustainable, or raw and diverted. The artist works with bronze, steel, concrete, plaster and clay but also stone and wood.

Delphine Brabant塑造了各种材料,要么是高贵和可持续的,要么是原始和转移的。这位艺术家使用青铜、钢、混凝土、石膏和粘土,也使用石头和木材。