Jared FitzGerald was born in Seattle, Washington, and studied painting and classical archaeology at the University of Washington. The son of celebrated American artists James FitzGerald and Margaret Tomkins, he developed a passion for art at an early age. He traveled extensively as a still and motion picture photographer while serving in the United States Air Force during which he developed a lifelong fascination with tribal arts and anthropomorphic imagery. Producing works in a variety of media, from classical ink painting to glazed ceramics, FitzGerald has developed a style of intuitive painting centering on playfully naturalistic forms and abstracted figures. Since 2007, he has maintained full-time studios in Beijing, New York and Jingdezhen. He has directed two galleries, Fitzgerald Fine Arts and Kai Gallery in SoHo, and South Hampton, New York, focused on presenting the most innovative works of contemporary Chinese and European ceramics.

FitzGerald’s work has been featured in solo and group exhibitions throughout the U.S., Europe, and Asia. His work has also been featured in the permanent collections at the National Art Museum of China, the Meridian Center in Washington D.C. and the Seattle Art Museum. He is a member of the American Research Association of Eastern and Western Arts, the China Contemporary Art Association, and the China Research Institute of Contemporary Art.


贾里德-菲茨杰拉德出生在华盛顿州的西雅图,在华盛顿大学学习绘画和古典考古学。他是美国知名艺术家詹姆斯-菲茨杰拉德和玛格丽特-汤姆金斯的儿子,在很小的时候就对艺术产生了热情。在美国空军服役期间,他作为一名静态和动态图像摄影师广泛旅行,在此期间,他对部落艺术和拟人化的图像产生了终生的迷恋。从古典水墨画到釉面陶瓷,FitzGerald已经形成了一种以俏皮的自然主义形式和抽象的人物为中心的直觉绘画风格。自2007年以来,他一直在北京、纽约和景德镇设有全职工作室。他在纽约SoHo和South Hampton的Fitzgerald Fine Arts和Kai Gallery两家画廊担任负责人,专注于展示当代中国和欧洲陶瓷的最创新作品。
