已故艺术家布朗温·奥利弗( Bronwyn Oliver)被广泛认为是澳大利亚最著名的雕塑家之一,他拥有将细铜线塑造成复杂图案的无与伦比的能力。她的菊石、棕榈叶和单芽雕塑造型极简,结构极其精细,摆动的线条勾勒出化石的边缘,或展开成丰满樱花的精致网状物。

Widely regarded as one of the most renowned sculptors in Australia, the late artist Bronwyn Oliver possessed an unparalleled ability to shape thin copper wire into intricate patterns. Her sculptures of ammonites, palm leaves, and single buds are minimal in form and incredibly detailed in construction, with oscillating lines delineating the edge of a fossil or an elaborate web expanding into a plump cherry blossom.

作为 Oliver 专注且耗时的实践的证据,这些部件是强烈扭曲和钎焊的结果,这是一种更高温度的焊接版本。“我的雕塑,我喜欢把它们想象成某种东西的骨头。它可能只是骨头,但它也可能是某事的开始或结束,”这位艺术家在最近关于她的生活和工作的纪录片的剪辑中说道,里面的阴影——预告片可以在 YouTube 上找到,但完整的纪录片目前仅在澳大利亚播出。

Evidence of Oliver’s devoted and time-consuming practice, the pieces are the result of intense twisting and brazing, a higher-temperature version of soldering. “My sculpture, I like to think of them as the bones of something. It might only be bone, but it might be the beginning or ending of something as well,” the artist says in a clip from the recent documentary about her life and work, The Shadows Within—the trailer is available on YouTube, but the full documentary is only streaming in Australia at the moment.

奥利弗近年来获得了更大的认可,并参加了在澳大利亚国家美术馆举办的矫正展览。Know My Name将持续到 6 月 26 日,展示了数十位为该国文化做出重大贡献的女性的作品。奥利弗的雕塑收藏在澳大利亚的主要收藏中,包括国家美术馆、新南威尔士州美术馆和维多利亚国家美术馆,她的公共作品可以在新南威尔士大学悉尼皇家植物园看到和布里斯班的皇后街购物中心。

Oliver has gained greater recognition in recent years and is included in the corrective exhibition held at The National Gallery of Australia. Know My Name, which runs through June 26, showcases works from dozens of women who’ve significantly contributed to the country’s culture. Oliver’s sculptures are housed in major Australian collections, including those at The National Gallery, the Art Gallery of New South Wales, and the National Gallery of Victoria, and her public pieces can be seen at Sydney’s Royal Botanic Garden, the University of New South Wales, and Queen Street Mall in Brisbane.


“樱花”(2006),铜,48 x 48 x 20 厘米


“菊石”(2005 年),铜,95 x 90 x 90 厘米。所有图片均由艺术家和悉尼 Roslyn Oxley9 画廊提供


“鹰巢城”(1993),铜,青铜,500 x 200 x 50 厘米


“Grandiflora (Bloom)”(2005 年),铜,63 x 63 x 55 厘米


“地球”(2002 年),铜,直径 2.5 米


“边缘”(2006 年),铜,107 x 107 x 10 厘米


“大花(芽)”(2005 年),铜,60 x 58 x 58 厘米


左:“Palm”(1999),铜,190 x 180 x 180 厘米。右:“木兰”(1999),铜,210 x 150 x 150 厘米