艺术家安妮·巴特勒(Anne Butler)将构成她正在进行的“时间之物”系列的瓷器称为“他们自己历史的见证人”。在她位于凯瑞达夫的工作室中,巴特勒通过从铸造、雕刻到组装的一系列技术,再现了 20 世纪的技术,例如旋转电话和打字机——请观看下面的视频中的过程。这些模拟作品充满质感和惊人的维度,探索文化记忆、与历史和个人用途的关联,以及这些物品在广泛使用后很久给世界留下的印象。

Artist Anne Butler cites the porcelain pieces that comprise her ongoing Objects of Time series as being “witness to their own history.” From her studio in Carryduff, Butler recreates 20th Century technologies like rotary telephones and typewriters through an array of techniques from casting and carving to assembly—watch her process in the video below. Brimming with texture and striking in dimension, the analog works explore cultural memory, associations to history and personal use, and the impressions these items have left on the world long after they’ve fallen from widespread use.

Butler 与 Colossal 分享说,每件物品都是她童年的重要组成部分,而建造过程反映了它的力学。复制她家人手机的错综复杂的开槽“Analogue”依靠低技术模板来制作薄薄的帕里安瓷片,一旦干燥,艺术家就会联锁成最终形状。类似地,“Remnant”和“Shift”都将数百个单独的板分层成钥匙和缝纫工具,这些工具略有倾斜,表明它们的手工建造。与自动化可能实现的精度相比,这些不规则之处在于人工的不完美。

Butler shares with Colossal that each of the objects was an important part of her childhood and that the building process reflects its mechanics. The intricately slotted “Analogue,” which replicates her family’s phone, relied on low-tech templates to create the thin Parian porcelain sheets that, once dried, the artist interlocked into their final shape. Similarly, “Remnant” and “Shift” both layer hundreds of individual slabs into keys and sewing tools that are slightly skewed and indicative of their hand-built construction. These irregularities reference the imperfection of the humanmade in comparison to the precision that’s possible with automation.

随着她扩展时间的对象,巴特勒计划复制厨房秤和她的第一台单反相机,所以请留意Instagram 上的这些作品。如果你在伦敦,你可以在 5 月 11 日至 14 日期间在Two Temple Place看到“Shift”, Ruup & Form将在此代表收藏家之眼中的艺术家。你也可能会喜欢Yoonmi Nam 的破旧速写本。(通过卢斯蒂克)

As she expands Objects of Time, Butler plans to reproduce kitchen scales and her first SLR camera, so keep an eye on Instagram for those works. If you’re in London, you can see “Shift” at Two Temple Place between May 11 and 14, where Ruup & Form will be representing the artist in Eye of the Collector. You also might enjoy Yoonmi Nam’s worn sketchbooks. (via Lustik)


“Analogue” (2016). Photo by Vizz Creative. All images © Anne Butler


Detail of “Analogue” (2016). Photo by Vizz Creative


Left: “Shift” (2018). Right: “Stack” (2020). Photo by Bob Given


Detail of “Shift” (2018). Photo by Vizz Creative


Detail of “Shift” (2018). Photo by Vizz Creative


“Remnant” (2018). Photo by Vizz Creative


Detail of “Remnant” (2018). Photo by Vizz Creative


Detail of “Remnant” (2018). Photo by Vizz Creative


Detail of “Shift” (2018). Photo by Vizz Creative