WGNB是韩国首尔的一家设计工作室,由三位年轻的创始人Jonghwan Baek、Jonghyeon Shin和Dohan Kim联合成立于2015年。WGNB尝试将日常生活中的瞬间灵感收集、提取、转换后应用于空间设计之中,试图借此展示一种独特的审美视角。
WGNB is a design studio based in Seoul, South Korea, founded in 2015 by three young founders: Jonghwan Baek, Jonghyeon Shin, and Dohan Kim. WGNB tries to collect, extract and transform the moments of inspiration in daily life into space design, in an attempt to demonstrate a unique aesthetic perspective.

PXG Graphite是PXG的第一家品牌重塑旗舰店,WGNB通过新的名词“Graphite”来重新定义其所追求的“黑色”内涵,以突出物质性、功能性和品牌的精神。“Graphite”是一种完全由碳组成的同位素,象征着纯洁和高贵。与钻石会反射光线并自身透光不同,而“Graphite”只展现出原始的、粗糙的表情肌理。
PXG Graphite was PXG's first rebranding flagship store, and WGNB sought to redefine the "black" connotation it was seeking with the new term "Graphite" to highlight materiality, functionality and the spirit of the brand. "Graphite" is an isotope made up entirely of carbon, which symbolizes purity and nobility. Unlike diamond Graphite, which reflects light and shines through itself, "Graphite" shows only raw and rough expression texture.

This is a "coal dark" restaurant, both wall and furniture are dark tone base, and dim light is used for partial lighting, creating a mysterious and solemn dining atmosphere. WGNB abandons excessive decorative techniques and hides the lighting inside the ceiling to ensure the integrity of the space. In addition, the application of marble countertop improves the elegant quality of the whole space.

WGNB used bold colors to create a strong and unique exterior texture for Mue's new flagship store, making it look more like a work of art in motion. Blue and orange pottery produce visual collision, forming a strong visual impact; Designers through the combination of functionality and aesthetics, outline the unique character of the commercial brand space.