

Life Aesthetics Museum

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Space is the art of life. Establish a connection with the urban humanities, add life to the space, and the design team will create aesthetic space experience with the de-commercial design to guide visitors into the imagination of a better life in the future.


SHANJIA District is built in the form of a family living room, with the urban memory of old Shanghai embedded in it. The ancient rust-colored fireplace shows the precipitation and mottling of time; Classic retro seats and side tables are placed at will. Metal and leather collide with each other to reproduce the exquisite atmosphere of old Shanghai, create a comfortable atmosphere of monastic life, and trigger people's emotional memories.


As the most cohesive field, the leisure coffee bar is set as the central area by the design team in the overall functional layout. The large area of wood black tone and forest green set off each other, demonstrating the modern and warm and relaxed spatial tonality.


Combined with the site environment, the design team continued the "immersive oxygen garden" tone of the landscape, taking the contemporary "Garden of Eden" as the inspiration point, and carried out the indoor and outdoor integrated design to create a sense of relaxation in the space.


The quiet forest green extends all over the space, and the decorations such as apples, pears, dragonflies, rabbits and so on are interspersed. The green plant flower art echoes the outdoor scenery, creating an artistic conception of being in nature.

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The colorful solid wood decorative hanging paintings, which are as gorgeous as rainbows, radiate the beauty of natural texture and inject a bright expression into the space.


In the entrance reception area, simple geometric blocks are interspersed and simple and clean handling methods are used, which are restrained but not lack of layers; The "urban mirror image" art installation is hung in the space, which is a tribute to the city. The gallery style presentation gives the space a high-level artistic atmosphere.


In the Shenqi District, the architectural structure and wooden grid are skillfully used to build a landscape. The stability of wood and the beauty of grid order complement each other. Large area of floor-to-ceiling glass windows blur the interior and exterior boundaries, and the space flows and is stable. The living scale has also been carefully planned to create a more comfortable atmosphere for users.

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项目名称 | 上海璀璨湖畔生活美学馆

Project name | Shanghai Splendid Lakeside Life Aesthetics Museum

项目地点 | 中国·上海

Project location | Shanghai, China

项目面积 | 690㎡

Project area | 690 ㎡

业主单位 | 招商蛇口上海公司 南昌市政公用地产

Owner | China Merchants Shekou Shanghai Company Nanchang Municipal Public Real Estate

甲方团队 | 李刚 郭臻 徐侠 姜晗笑 周鹏宇 周冠兰

Party A Team | Li Gang, Guo Zhen, Xu Xia, Jiang Han, Zhou Pengyu, Zhou Guanlan

空间设计 | 深圳31设计

Space Design | Shenzhen 31 Design

创意总监 | 黄涛

Creative Director | Huang Tao

设计总监 | 李志宏

Design Director | Li Zhihong

设计团队 | 黎东辉 王京程 黄庆大 李思杰

Design team | Li Donghui, Wang Jingcheng, Huang Qingda, Li Sijie

软装设计 | 深圳31设计

Soft decoration design | Shenzhen 31 design

软装团队 | 黄江燕 陈晓莉 毛立全

Soft Decoration Team | Huang Jiangyan, Chen Xiaoli, Mao Liquan