Sky and Earth Boundless Hidden人对天地的神往不仅寄托于自然之间,在家中同样也希望能保有几分通透。People not only want to keep a sense of transparency between nature but also at home.
位于杭州萧山的万科·姑娘桥盖上项目,以天空的院子作为承接,联系城市与自然,力求在物质丰盈之上去寻找一处自然与舒适,在当代居住体验中得着心之宁静。Located in Xiaoshan, Hangzhou, the Vanke Model Room Project connects the city and nature with a sky courtyard, seeking nature and comfort in the abundance of materials and tranquillity in the modern living experience.

项目巧妙地与TOD城市综合体相结合,解决了人们在选择居住方式时常面临的矛盾,不仅为居住者提供宽敞的自然景观和现代舒适的生活空间,同时还提供完善的配套设施,满足现代生活的需求,创造“出世而不离世”的理想居住状态。The project is cleverly combined with the TOD urban complex to solve the contradiction that people often face when choosing a living style, which provides not only spacious natural landscapes and modern, comfortable living spaces for residents but also provides complete supporting facilities to meet the needs of modern life and create an ideal living state of "going out into the world without leaving the world".
从北面庭院经由玄关步入,挑高4.9m开阔敞亮的会客厅打破了常规住宅固定的布局模式。Stepping into the entrance from the north courtyard, the 4.9m high open and spacious living room breaks the conventional fixed layout of residential buildings.

电视不再作为家庭起居的核心,取而代之的是庭院、自然与天空之景。随意落座沙发或中古单椅,超大面积的落地窗时刻邀请着自然与光线的进入。无论是家庭聚会或社交接待,会客厅都能成为家中最活跃且多样的共享空间。The TV is no longer the core of the living room but is replaced by the courtyard, nature and sky. Sit casually on the sofa or antique single chair; the oversized floor-to-ceiling windows constantly invite the entry of nature and sunlight. Whether it is a family gathering or social reception, the living room can become the most active and diverse common space.

当光影落在壁炉上方的主背景墙面,时间也随之印刻。石塑石墙面与和纸灯具,坚硬粗粒与柔软温和的材料被注入的光线串联,共同营造这一隅闲适自在之所。When the light falls on the main background wall above the fireplace, time is also imprinted. The stone sculpture wall and rice paper lamp, the hard and coarse grain and the soft and gentle materials are connected by the injected light, together creating a leisurely and comfortable place.

餐客厨一体的设计,使厨房不再是单一独立的封闭空间,而是结合岛台、餐桌,拓展成为交流分享、会客宴请的社交场地,使空间拥有更多复合性与可能性。The dining room and kitchen are integrated into the design, making the kitchen no longer an isolated, enclosed space but combining the island counter and dining table to expand into a social venue for communication, sharing and banquet hosting, giving the space more complexity and possibility.

南向的书房由两面90°落地玻璃与墙面围合,不论或坐或立,或静观或创作,通透的视野与采光都能为使用者带去源源不断的灵感与思绪。The south-facing study is enclosed by two 90-degree floor-to-ceiling glass and walls. Whether sitting, standing, observing or creating, the transparent view and lighting can bring the user endless inspiration and thoughts.

步入下沉式主卧,柔和的微风扬起窗纱,使视线正好平于庭院景观。延续会客厅的设计理念,主卧的电视背景墙被充满生机的内庭院取代。Stepping into the sunken master bedroom, the gentle breeze lifts the curtains, just level with the courtyard view. Continuing the design concept of the living room, the TV background wall of the master bedroom is replaced by the vibrant inner courtyard.
等待一束恰到好处的光线从树梢洒下,私密性、透气感与自然力共存,营造出一个舒适自然、返璞归真的生活岛屿。Waiting for a beam of appropriate light to spill from the treetops, privacy, breathability and natural force coexist, creating a comfortable and natural back to the simple happy living island.

会客厅后的楼梯向上延展,由温润的大理石踏面转为质朴的木饰面,行进之间叠级变化。The stairs behind the living room extend upwards, changing from warm marble tread to simple wooden decoration.

有限的二层空间通过设计被充分精巧地规划为次卧与次卫。经过走廊,坡屋面下的次卧以榻榻米作为主要活动空间,结合蔺草席、木质长桌、棉麻床品与静谧的暖色灯光,呈现可居、可学、可玩的丰富属性——家的活力和温馨便在于此。The limited second-floor space is fully and ingeniously planned as a secondary bedroom and bathroom through design. After the corridor, the sloping roof secondary bedroom uses tatami mats as the main activity space, combined with rush mats, wooden long tables, cotton and linen bedding and tranquil warm light, presenting inhabitable, learnable and playable rich attributes—the vitality and warmth, of home, lies in this.

作为TOD上的独立墅居,在提供便捷生活的同时更是需要满足人内心情感的追求与表露。因此,为空间预留更多可塑性,为生活提供更多可能性,为城市居住者建立自然的可达性,便是WJ STUDIO希望透过这个样板间设计带给居住者的全新体验。As an independent villa on the TOD, while providing convenient life, it must also satisfy people's inner emotional pursuit and expression. Therefore, leaving more plasticity for space and more possibilities for life, establishing natural accessibility for urban residents, is the brand new experience that WJ STUDIO hopes to bring to residents through the design of this model room.

Project Name:Vanke Wonderland "City Villa"Model RoomLocation: Hangzhou, ZhejiangTypology: Living/Model RoomClient: Hangzhou Vanke & Hangzhou Metro & Xiaoshan Metro业主团队:方海峰、张碧君、姜丛卉
Client Team: Fang Haifeng, Zhang Bijun, Jiang Conghui
Interior Design: WJ STUDIOPrincipal Designer: Hu ZhileDesign Team: Liu Shuxian, Yu Haodong, Yang Lilian, Kang Fang, Luo RenweiDecoration Design: WJ STUDIODesign Team: Yezi, Lu Qiaoyun, Lian LuolanLighting Design: Fang Fang, Yi Zonghui, Zhang Chengwei, Li Wei, Shi HongcongPhotographer: Zhang Xi, Robyn