

From City to Daily Life


We don't want to erase the past of this city


Instead, we want to continue the story


Here, a part of time follows the prosperity of the city, with an infinite vitality that gives a fashionable and youthful sense of strength. Another part of the time, however, stops and interweaves the present with the old times of the past, delicate and rich with warmth, comforting the soul.


Do you think this is contradictory? But I thought this is life, encompassing all things, with vivid days hidden within them.

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当你走到一个城市的文化深处时,你就走进了一座城市的心里。从岭南文化伊始,到珠港澳港口再至旧时街头,到如今屹立于 604 公里的海岸线边, “城市的时代记忆” 成为了故事的主线。沿着这条线,从时代感中强烈的形体概念和声音记忆中,用当代艺术在 “形” 与 “质” 中寻求平衡,时代与个体的映像交汇,引发居者内心的文化认同,并在此寻回归属感。

When you walk into the cultural depths of a city, you walk into its soul. From the beginning of Lingnan culture, through the ports of Zhuhai, Hong Kong, and Macau to the old streets, to the present standing on the 604-kilometer coastline, "the city's memory of an era" has become the main thread of the story. Following this thread, contemporary art seeks balance between form and substance, strongly influenced by the concept of form and memories of sound from the era, intersecting with the images of the times and individuals, triggering cultural identity within the residents and seeking a sense of belonging.

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The corridor's pendant lamp pays tribute to the vinyl record culture, with classic linear shapes and retro styling, as if transported to that fashionable and modern era. Suddenly, the scene changes, and now you seem to have become the protagonist of the Peach Blossom Spring, going deeper from the outside along the corridor.

“山有小口,仿佛若有光...复行数十步,阔然开朗,芳草鲜美,落英缤纷” ,带着现代城市的印记,探寻生活的另一种方式。

"There was a small entry in the mountain, and it seemed as if there was light... After walking a few dozen steps, it suddenly opened up, with green meadow and beautiful flowers falling like rain." With the imprint of a modern city, exploring another way of life.

设计元素不应该被封闭或受到限制,它们应该以坚定不移的归属感,迎接并唤醒人的灵魂。在 WSD 的设计中,多元探索和无限变化随处可见,而开创的设计更体现在彷佛玉石翠绿般的石材用于垭口之中,岭南建筑的镬耳元素幻化成装饰画,突破原有的边界,用新的形态讲述新的故事。

Design elements should not be enclosed or restricted. They should welcome and awaken the soul with a strong sense of belonging. In WSD's designs, diverse exploration and infinite variation are everywhere. Innovative design is reflected in the use of jade-like green stones for the gaps, and the transformation of the Lingnan architectural element of the "Huo Er" into a decorative painting, breaking through the original boundaries and telling new stories in new forms.


Colors and personality are created through sensory experience. Here, individuality is revered, and subversion and avant-garde are embraced, pursuing a new journey of artistic dialogue with life. Through a sensory understanding of the world, breaking away from mainstream design rules, blue-gray, Dandong green, champagne pink, and gilded colors are viewed through a rich and innovative perspective to form an unprecedented unique style, expressing the attitude toward life.

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At this moment, come back from the hustle and bustle of the world, hiding away in a seaside home. The taste of whiskey spreads from the tongue to the space, and the melody and slow jazz come from the record player, running along the sea breeze towards the mountains, just a moment of thought. But it has already been recorded through the lens of life and can be forever preserved in time and space.


We want to find genuine design language here, balancing contemporary and 50s revivalism to create a synergy between the two to make the living space full of a sense of hierarchy and personal charm.


Modern people often exhaust themselves in various grand narratives and often overlook the casualness of life, losing the ability to perceive many small things. However, it is often in the details that the essence of life lies hidden. By observing the growth of a flower, the slow changes of sunlight throughout the day, or the physical transformation of a cup of coffee from grinding to drinking, you will discover that an unnoticed daily life has fallen into a new world.

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“浅水是喧哗的,深水是沉默的” ,静谧的大地色在空间中有序展开,黑色搭配原木咖色,渲染一种冷静、谦虚、优雅的状态,同色系的深浅过渡和光影交织,自然人文油然而生,呈现出电影般的情绪张力,那些有关于家的故事,有关生活的故事,在空间里无限延续。

"The shallow water is noisy, while the deep water is silent." The tranquil earth tones unfold in an orderly manner in space. The combination of black and natural wood colors creates a calm, humble, and elegant state. The gradual transition and interplay of light and shadow within the same color scheme create a natural and humanistic atmosphere, presenting a cinematic emotional tension. The stories about homes and life continue endlessly in the space.


Through a window, what kind of world can you see? Unlike the panoramic view of a floor-to-ceiling window or the dullness of a casement window, Venetian blinds offer a subtle visual experience. The interaction of light, shadow, time, and people seems to enable us to touch the essence of life simply by reaching out our hand.


As 2023 marks the brand strategic upgrade year of WSD, we hope to examine the present and future of living spaces through a diverse, innovative, and boundless perspective. We look forward to conveying design value to life through delicate, warm, youthful, fashionable genes, and natural and humanistic context. This is just the beginning, as we will explore more diverse spatial designs and pursue a better living environment and lifestyle with the new generation.



项目名称:时代 · 保利中环广场 

Project Name: TOPLAZA


Project Address: Zhuhai


Project Type: Model room


Completion Time: January, 2023


Interior Design: WSD


Decoration Design: WSD


Client: Times China


Photography: Shifang Photography-Aoxiang


Keyword: Fashion, Diverse, Explore, Innovative, Natural Humanism