《蜀道难》言:“蚕丛及鱼凫,开国何茫然。” 4000年前,蚕丛定都此地,立国治蜀,“天府之国”至此发源,自古以来便是帝王将相青睐的风水宝地。

The "Difficulty of the Shu Road" states: "Silkworm Cong and Yu Fu are at a loss for the founding of the country." 4000 years ago, Silkworm Cong established its capital here, established the state to govern Shu, and the "Land of Abundance" originated here. Since ancient times, it has been a treasure trove of feng shui favored by emperors and generals.


Muma Mountain, located in the south of Chengdu, inherits the source of ancient Shu culture and is surrounded by a superior natural environment. Architecture is integrated into nature, and nature is hidden in the city, forming the most fundamental architectural ecology here.



Forest Wandering

“艺术的使命不是模仿自然,而是表现自然。” 巴尔扎克曾如此说道。


The mission of art is not to imitate nature, but to express it, "Balzac once said.

In the shade of the tree, there are four seasons flowing, with shadows, mist, and glow floating between sparse branches and dense leaves. The design is shaped by mountains and vividly depicted by water. Amidst the hazy mist, the poetic atmosphere is tinged with excitement and stillness. Listening to the gurgling water, surrounded by mist, smelling the faint fragrance of tea, and experiencing nature


The dark eaves, wall tiles, exquisite wooden column frames, regular stone wall facades, concise line contours, and vertical log grilles all convey the charm and elegance of Shu culture, awakening the wild charm of returning to simplicity.


It not only maintains the experience of "luxury city hotel", but also combines the oriental aesthetic conception of Unity of Heaven and humanity and natural mountain residence to inject the temperature of life into the business, art gallery, study, fitness, catering and other functional areas. Lianlang Bichi, winding paths leading to secluded scenery, creates a spatial atmosphere of "not yet the foot of the mountain, easy to move scenery".



Reading and Communicating


Moving indoors, the towering sloping wooden roof provides a spacious and spacious visual experience, while also creating a natural and comfortable vacation atmosphere, continuing the outdoor landscape atmosphere.


The huge french window facing the central courtyard naturally introduces the green landscape outside the window into the interior. The simple and neat lines, elegant black and white soft furnishings and carpets, lowered center of gravity sofas, and warm colored lights allow people to fully relax and heal upon entering the space, reproducing the natural comfort and low-key luxury of Aman Resort.


Space returns to its original point in the context of architecture, incorporating natural annotations into the design. The light is filtered through a wooden grille extending downwards from the ceiling, injecting gentle vitality into the interior, creating a charming light and shadow transformation.

“生活方式才是空间设计的核心。” 位于空间中央的水吧台,自然而然成为社交中心,成为整个空间的聚集点。竖向格栅的吧台与同肌理感的天顶相呼应,带来视觉上的统一与延伸感。

Lifestyle is the core of spatial design. "The water bar located in the center of the space naturally becomes a social center and a gathering point for the entire space. The vertical grille of the bar counter echoes the textured ceiling, bringing a sense of visual unity and extension.


The dark walls are paired with simple black and white furniture, deliberately reducing the brightness and ceiling height of the space, creating a tea tasting space with a calm, comfortable, and artistic style.



Joy of Reading and Tea


The bookstore and reading area jointly built with Geometry Bookstore will hold various cultural salons and lectures from time to time. The greenery outside the window penetrates into the interior through the french window, echoing the indoor green plants. Under the reflection of a school of green, it is open and full.


The main color tone of combining log and dark colors creates an elegant, quiet, and textured space. As a transitional area between the bookstore and the tea room, the clever combination of books and tea is designed to achieve a balance between physical space and spiritual consciousness.



Enjoying Leisure


In the quiet darkness, the bright orange accents create a classic Italian aesthetic style. The design abandons all complicated decorations and is extremely minimalist, allowing people to focus on the taste of the food itself.

项目名称 | 万科成都君悦云台售楼处

Project Name | Vanke Chengdu Junyue Yuntai Sales Office
项目地址 | 中国 · 成都
Project Address | Chengdu, China
完成时间 | 2022年
Completion date | 2022
甲方团队 | 韩斐、李洪鑫、关欣
Party A team | Han Fei, Li Hongxin, Guan Xin
建筑设计 | 上海致逸建筑设计有限公司
Architectural Design | Shanghai Zhiyi Architectural Design Co., Ltd
景观设计 | 重庆纬图景观设计有限公司
Landscape Design | Chongqing Weitu Landscape Design Co., Ltd
室内设计 | MAUDEA 牧笛设计
Interior Design | MAUDEA Flute Design
软装设计 | MAUDEA 牧笛设计
Soft Decoration Design | MAUDEA Flute Design
项目摄影 | 鲁哈哈
Project Photography | Lu Haha