

Times are changing, and people's aesthetic principles and pursuits are also changing. In recent years, in terms of interior decoration, more and more traditional Chinese elements have begun to be loved by young people.

When the Oriental culture and aesthetic thinking are integrated, the quality of home and the concept of living will present a new form of life.



When you step into this space, the material collocation is a typical Oriental aesthetic of "learning from nature", and the concept of harmonious living between people and nature.

Abandoning the traditional "Chinese symbol", the space exudes a strong Oriental temperament from inside to outside, and uses dark wood and medieval furniture to play a classical Oriental charm symphony, presenting a gentle and advanced space temperament.


The living room is extremely high design, bringing people the first sight of the amazing. The infinite extension of longitudinal space, against the backdrop of the large floor-to-ceiling window, the sense of enlightenment arises spontaneously. On the other hand, it connects different living areas, highlighting the sense of flow and integrity of the space.


The floor-to-ceiling Windows of the living room borrow the outdoor view and bring sunlight into the room, which further magnifies the relationship between the indoor space and the natural environment and satisfies the linkage between the Spaces.



Through the inside of the living room is the dining room, both in the same move line, there is a sense of transparency.

The living room and dining room are separated and unified by the materials and colors at the junction. From the living room to the dining room, from the space to feel the feeling of tightening, if from the dining room to the living room, it appears open.


A simple table, without too much design, simple white and black collocation, abandon the additional meaning of the table, witness the laughter of the family during the meal, but also record the most real appearance of each family member.


The bar becomes the dividing line between the dining room and the kitchen, allowing the view to be extended while ensuring the independence of the space.


Behind the kitchen is the elder room, where simple wood materials are treated into fine geometric cuts. Following the color ratio of the main tone, the saturation is slightly reduced, so that it is naturally integrated with the overall spatial structure. Cotton, linen, leather, natural materials show the original texture under the soft and grainy white base.


From the balcony of the elder's room, there is a small open balcony. Let the old people in the city life, rest can safely enjoy a quiet, return to pastoral life empty self edify body and mind.


Walk along the stairs to the master bedroom on the second floor, stepping into the bedroom seems to isolate all the noise and distractions so that the body and mind can relax for a moment and return to the most relaxed state of life.



The master bedroom has a rich sense of spatial hierarchy, the corner of the wall and ceiling, and the strict division of space proportion. The moving line is smooth and smooth, the furniture combination is just right, and when you slowly experience the details, you can feel the designer's intentions and the exquisite space.


One side of the master bedroom is equipped with the master study, the book table and chair are also made of natural and simple materials, simple and calm. By the wall to create a wall of bookcases, do not have a mood, storage space in different forms to meet different storage needs.


The bathroom is a carefully designed part of the master bedroom, with the separate shower and toilet showing the standard of its top-of-the-line configuration. The black and white brown stone in the bathtub area is full of artistic expression, showing the high quality and noble life.


Out of the master bedroom is our children's room area. The designer internalizes the rich imagination in the structure, form and function, so that the daily use situation reveals different colors.





Awaken tranquility and elegance to 

create a modern Oriental poetic space

We focus on plain and bright main colors

Engraved with a strong Oriental feelings

Spread out a picture of modern urban life


Project Name:Longhu Tianyaoyu Mansion villa


Project Location:Chongqing

业主团队:王事奇 张馨月 李爽杰

Owner team: Wang Shiqi Zhang Xinyue Li Shuang Jie


Soft design: boundary design


Time of completion: August 2023

摄影团队:三文摄影 | 张浩

Photography team: Sanwen photography | Zhang Hao