
Home, reflecting the aesthetic taste and spiritual core of the residents, is a harbor for the soul to pursue and stay. Home is no longer limited to its own residential properties; It is given an open, diverse, and rich definition, condensed into a sense of sincerity towards life as a 'ritual'.


The entrance gradually pulls, blocking the line of sight from "looking to the bottom", and using display shelves to partially partition, brewing an atmosphere. Between transfers, wood grain growth rings, random textures on stone surfaces, and brass metal texture patterns enhance emotions and highlight quality in details.


The essence of design is hidden in space, playing in the wisdom of material matching and combination; After careful consideration, restrained and restrained, it creates a distinct emotional expression that blends sensibility and rationality, whispering softly and affectionately.


Carp' has both Chinese and Western elements - exploring the commonalities between modernist design and Eastern aesthetics, using contemporary brushstrokes to invoke Western interfaces, and innovatively interpreting the classic tea drinking space of the East.


The artistic conception of the fusion of China and the West collides here to create profound details: the customized tea table incorporates the three elements of "water, fire, and tea" into the square; The small stone scenery is tinged with the charm of Eastern mountains and waters, wrapped in the enclosure of freehand brushwork texture, revealing a distinct personality.


The self-awareness subconscious returns to the accessible reality, embraces life, and catches the eye with all the things it likes.



The low purity and high brightness gray tone warm color bedside background implies a tranquil atmosphere, inadvertently flowing with hidden luxury characteristics. Display cabinets, small wine cabinets, and circular bathtubs with windows - reflecting on contemporary lifestyles, endowing them with multiple functional attributes beyond the purpose of sleeping in the bedroom.


The boy's room creates an atmosphere with the theme of "equestrian", aiming to train the spirit of perseverance and daring to try by riding the "horse"; The design of the horse, box bedside table and the saddle and harness on display are exquisite without losing an atmosphere of vitality, full of youth and enthusiasm.


The white cello in the girl's room seems to play the soft and poetic beauty of pink space; The texture of plush fabric and lightweight finish embody the girl's sensitive and ingenious thoughts - the lingering fragrance in the space, winding and charming. Thinking in the distance, like an unrestrained spirit ape, without being bound by a frame; Reasonably grasp the emotional reins of longing, and live a life full of vitality every day.

项目名称 | 泉州城市之光四期项目大平层样板间

Project Name | Quanzhou City Light Phase IV Project Large Flat Sample Room

项目单位 | 厦门市万科企业有限公司

Project Unit: Xiamen Vanke Enterprise Co., Ltd

业主团队 | 彭鹏、邬松

Owners' team | Peng Peng, Wu Song

硬装设计 | G.ART集艾设计 - 叶茜团队

Hardbound Design | G.ART Jiai Design - Ye Qian Team

软装设计 | G.ART集艾设计 - 孔相丹团队

Soft Decoration Design | G.ART Jiai Design - Kong Xiangdan Team

完工日期 | 2023年9月

Completion Date | September 2023

项目摄影 | 一千度视觉

Project Photography | 1000 Degree Vision