SPANISH, B. 1960

Miguel Guía is a Spanish artist born in 1960

This artist from Madrid is a painter and sculptor, he creates artworks of great force. However, it is sculpture which became his favorite medium, he does mostly pieces in bronze, all of his pieces are examples of expression of a great sensibility, each one of them transcribe emotions of great sincerity. A great modeler, he oriented his artistic research towards the subjects of power and tries to achive a perfect balance, dynamism and harmony. With pieces sometimes tending towards a cubist style, the artist gets influenced by renowned artist such as Pablo Picasso, Eduardo Chillada, Oteiza, Salvardor Dali, Jacques Lipchitz, Alexander Archipenko, Julio Gonzalez (Picasso's teacher) and Juan Gris. His work has been exhibited around the world, in places like Madrid, New York, Frankfurt, Shanghái, Kuala Lumpur or Valencia.

西班牙, 1960年生

