
Through thousands of years, Yangzhou is still the city with the best moon, and it is also the ideal dwelling place for the coexistence of humanity and nature, material and spirit, pleasure and elegance.


When painting a leaf boat, into this bustling style picture scroll; When you build a corner garden, step into the contemporary life of elegant set. The elegant and modern style of Jiangnan meet here, and the cultural context of Yangzhou and the current spirit talk here. What is reproduced and admired by design is the ten-mile spring breeze and bisection moon in the famous capital of Huaizuo and the best place of Zhuxi.

People often road Jiangnan good, spring water bi in the day, painting the boat to listen to the rain sleep. For Chinese people, it seems that they have planted a vague and wonderful dream of living in Yangzhou, a city full of hope and glory, deep in the shadow of spring scenery and flowers since they were studying poetry.

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The grain transport was prosperous and the salt industry developed. A prosperous life gave birth to craftsmanship for excellence. The engravings used for printing, the flowers worn by beauties, the slinky guqin, linese, and the lively embroidery... All I see is the perfection of the good life. The beauty of the Slender West Lake and the sound of the Ershisi Bridge have bred numerous fine poems and paintings. As for the beauty of the Garden and the Garden, it is not the same as that of the garden. When these traditional texts about Yangzhou are refined into a short poem, expressed in a contemporary language, this is the life beauty institute of ancient rhyme and modern sentiment.


The beginning of the garden, from the beginning of driving a leaf boat. The background screen in the reception area, like overlapping sails, also seems to have turned from a busy canal into a secluded waterway. The bamboo shadow on the screen is a stroke extracted from Zheng Banqiao's "Ink Bamboo Map", leading the visitors to the deep forest. The representative of the "Eight eccentric people of Yangzhou" does represent the cultural character of Yangzhou.


On the way to the sand table area, the scenery suddenly became clear. The arch of the bridge on the canal is transformed into a circular curved ceiling in the space, and the sand table below is just like a fully loaded cargo ship. The relationship between the bridge and the ship not only spreads the tension of the space story, but also reproduces the grand scene of the past busy grain transportation. Modern materials and transparent design add a touch of modern spirit in this rippling ancient rhyme.


The design of waterscape area seems to swing a brushstroke in the space, the picture scroll is because this does not have the blank of the attempt and immediately elegant rise. Pavilion, terrace, bridge and water elements are extracted as simple modern images. Yingying a water "stage" in the song water flowing wine at the same time also enjoy auditory support, whether touching a piece of music, or playing a pipa, make three-dimensional space feel more lingering sound.


The visual focus of the space is the modern golden spiral staircase, showing a sense of intertextural flow between water and bridge, and like a golden link connecting tradition and modernity, it travels freely in the overlapping shadow of culture in an instant.


The negotiation area is an elegant and relaxing space. The ceiling continues the theme of the bridge arch, echoing with the waterscape art installation like a canal boat. The modern art installation full of meaning adopts the traditional Yang school bonascape technique to make it.

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The color of the whole space is as quiet and elegant as ancient jade. The introduction of natural light is also between opening and closing and hiding dew. Together with the green plants and works of art, it lays out a sense of emotional belonging, which makes people unconsciously enjoy quietly and quietly and gather together, and savor this elegant Yangzhou slow.

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"Boat" line at this, suddenly line to water poor place, sit to see the clouds when the yixing. The arrangement of moving lines all the way is like visiting a garden to find a dream, or like reading a poem. Between opening and closing, rising and falling, retracting, there is a rhythmical sense of poetic cadence. The colors in the whole space are selected from the natural elegance of the South of the Yangtze River: bamboo, moon, stone, mountain, jade, in the silent high and clean of the cold moon without losing the gentle and smooth as jade, but also just a good live up to a good poem.

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