纽约.设计  New York Design

Light color representation


This case is Dalian Zhonghai No.3 Institute. The project volume is small. We need to plan a reasonable and efficient functional space organization in a limited scale, pay full attention to every design detail, and try to create an image with memory points and visual impact.


We use bold colors, exquisite materials, and elegant luxury hotel-style design style to interpret its table, inject the texture of luxury art into the space, and create an aesthetic experience that transcends material and has cultural dimensions.


The design focuses on the combination of function and space, the combination of structure and form beauty, the combination of technology and art, and the reasonable organization of function space, process composition, and material performance.



Metal, glass and stone are born and shine.

The selection of artistic materials should not only consider the visual effect of space, but also pay more attention to the touch and beauty generated by people through touch.


The partition of the functional area does not necessarily need a hard partition, and the soft partition can also be achieved through the distinction of shape or material. The shape ceiling in the sand table area combines the luminous film and linear lamps to add space changes.


The separated spaces have a clear view of each other, making the audience feel that the space is full of layers and changes. In a small display space, this kind of soft separation can be used to see the big from the small, and can be separated without blocking.


Color has feelings. It never exists in isolation. Color attaches to form, and form has its own quality. How designers organize color matching and choose materials determines the feelings and emotions conveyed by space.


Color has feelings. It never exists in isolation. Color attaches to form, and form has its own quality. How designers organize color matching and choose materials determines the feelings and emotions conveyed by space.

项目名称 |  大连中海·叁號院

Project name | Dalian Zhonghai No.3 Institute

项目地点 |  辽宁·大连

Project location | Dalian, Liaoning

甲方单位 |  中海 

Party A | China Shipping

设计面积 |  622㎡

Design area | 622 ㎡

硬装设计 |  李益中空间设计

Hardbound design | Li Yizhong space design

软装设计 |  李益中空间设计

Soft decoration design | Li Yizhong space design

设计总监 |  李益中

Design Director | Li Yizhong

设计团队 |  段周尧、胡玉平、蒋思敏、沈思琦、朱茵茵、黄庆营、华伟军

Design team | Duan Zhouyao, Hu Yuping, Jiang Simin, Shen Siqi, Zhu Yinyin, Huang Qingying, Hua Weijun

室内摄影 |  郑焰

Indoor photography | Zheng Yan