

Drawing on lakeside beauty and natural philosophy, a club that embraces the cultural heritage of Nanning, meets with the future high-quality luxury life. It's simple to maintain without requiring extensive demolition and reconstruction, adding to the beauty of what you already see. Efforts have been made to blend and revitalize the brilliant lake and geographical memory.

春和景明,惠风习习,湖上墅藏,都会之中的美好生活往往多元的截面 —— 揽自然臻境,汇人文雅集,享繁华烟火气,一派和乐。

Accompanied by a gentle spring breeze, the delightful city life at Nanning Zhonghai·Lakeside Top Life takes on many different forms - enjoying the beauty of nature, embracing humanistic elegance, taking pleasure in riches, and feeling at peace.

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This project, which is situated on the shore of Wuxiang Lake in Nanning, boasts good location, circle, facilities, culture and other advantages. With an emphasis on community, health, and intelligence, it strives to refresh the contemporary lakeside living, echoing the true life of the times.

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以“设计在美学之外”为核心的柘壹设计Z ONE⁺,倾力担纲南宁中海·湖上景明售楼处的室内设计与软装设计。

With “design beyond aesthetics” at its core, Z ONE⁺ undertakes the interior and soft furnishing design of Nanning Zhonghai·Lakeside Top Life Sales Center.


"Nowadays, the design theme of sales center has been dynamically transformed from the original exhibition and sales integration to a future living community and high-quality clubhouse with light operation and maintenance throughout the life cycle. After the research, design and validation of the lifestyle and business scenarios beyond aesthetics, a realistic and feasible high-quality hotel-style clubhouse is derived from three dimensions: easy maintenance, good operation and quality-price ratio. This is the top priority of Z ONE⁺ when engaging in this case.”


Beautiful landscape is combined with a dynamic villa-style culture. The design team works to celebrate the new paradigm of villa life, to revive a pleasant context of modern life, and to evoke a devotional state of mind full of enthusiasm. This will integrate the meaning of everyday life into the journey of returning home with a description of nature and a celebration of prosperity.


01 一线湖景,超越于都会美学之上

First-class lakeside beyond urban aesthetics


The space is designed to be the living room of the city. It will be transformed into a future clubhouse with the temporary exhibition purpose, where the long-lasting real-life future scenario will take place. As a hotel-style clubhouse by the lake that hosts a feast of nature and humanity, it will be integrated into the social circle of the towering figures.


Therefore, Z ONE⁺ aims to achieve the ideal quality-price ratio between the first-class natural lake and urban villa life. It condenses the growability of urban life and explores the new paradigm of villa living above the frontier and in the midst of wealth based on the long-term thinking of the product from the standpoint of life, context activation, circle precipitation, community return, commercial operation and maintenance, etc.



Starting from the geographical condition of the project, the designers strive to explore the real urban memories and the diversified living demands. Thus, the misty lake, the shimmering waves and the small boat become the intuitive symbols of the aesthetic image of the space. Beyond landscape, modern style, spacious pattern, luxury and elegant texture show a flexible aroma in the room. Visitors are immersed in real life from the time they step inside.

湖上泊舟,一苇以航,隐逸浮生。深深浅浅的岁月印痕,由张弛有度的东方感带出,洞见人文再解译的本质。虚实交映之间,灵动雅趣沛然,涵容着塔尖人物的丰盛生活 —— 理想的都会阔境,搭载多元的互动场景,与自我坐标的美好隐喻逐一铆合。

A boat is moored on the lake with a reed used to sail, inhabiting a life of seclusion. The marks of the years are brought out by a relaxed oriental feel, reinterpreting the essence of humanities. The combination of fact and fiction, with a sense of spirituality and elegance, contains the perfect life of lofty figures - an ideal metropolis with multiple interactive scenes that are in tune with the beautiful metaphors of self-coordination.


A "canvas of light" envelops the water bar in a modern Eastern story that contrasts profundity with simplicity. The ink of the virtual and the real creates an abstract realm of "hidden green hills, lake waves, and shady trees," while the warm light filter restores the elegant undertones of the East. Light and shadow give the still life a sense of vitality, and the blurred lines reveal the actual meaning of life, lifting daily experiences to the height of spirituality

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02 塔尖臻域,高奢生活真实可见

A real and visible luxury life,in towering realm 


Nowadays, as the oriental confidence becomes deeply rooted in people's hearts, the issue of the East, beyond symbolic beauty, has received increasing attention. Through retrospection and innovative deconstruction, the "soul division" between the contemporary and the oriental is gradually blurred, blending into a new realm that resonates with the aesthetics of the times. With a view from the window, visitors can take in the city's prosperity, wandering between the natural, urban and cultural splendor.


内与外的对比,构成了一组镜像,向外穿梭于摩天都市的快节奏,向内雕琢着流连忘返的慢时光,人们循着浮光慢影,畅游在艺术与人文铸就的朦胧蜃境。人们对当代都会生活的憧憬感,或许就渗透于一个个超脱于寻常的瞬间 —— 闲坐一隅,品阅一本书,悠闲时光便被无限拉长。

A mirror image is created by the contrast between the inside and outside. On the outside, a skyscraper city moves quickly, while slow time lingers on the inside. Following the floating light and shadows, people wander in a hazy mirage of art and humanity. People's desire for modern urban living could transcend the routine - sitting in a corner, or reading a book with leisure time stretched indefinitely.


On the ink screen, the lotus in the canal comes to life under the interplay of light and shadow, while the poetry lingers. When combining the ancient aesthetic with the contemporary functional scene, it serves the current display needs and will be transformed into a community public activity space in the future, with a profound cultural atmosphere accompanying the community residents in their lives.


Featuring luxury and elegance, the oriental style and contemporary materials are blended together to create the fragrance of books in the humanistic reading corner. Light a lamp, count the veins of ancient and modern civilizations, and enlighten the artistic living.

03 未来会所,镌刻艺术生活地标

The future club--a landmark of artistic living


"The essence of lake living is to live next to the precious natural lake, to place life in nature, and to travel in the freedom of tranquility." From geo-symbols to global aesthetics, the designers benchmark this space against the world’s lake living, fusing a wide range of languages into an oriental framework.

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The oriental, as a poetic footnote, is set in a single chair of leather and wood patchwork, hidden in a vein of stitching. Each piece of furniture has an aesthetic that blends well with the overall contemporary feel of the room. Flowers, birds, plants and irregular patterns, abstract and figurative, dark and light colors ...... The seemingly complex contrasts precisely highlight the unity of the field.


The key to striking a balance between elegance and awkwardness in the tea room is to emphasize the "Zen" scent. The designers have fully embraced Eastern aesthetics in this process, bringing back the world of tea drinking that is light but tasty, simple, and ideal. The magnolia branches with warm lustre, reflect the dark shadows of the bamboo leaves on the wall, giving the space a natural Zen feel.



To safeguard the kids' range of motion, the circles and curves have been overlaid while sharp corners removed. The green tones of the wilderness and the bright yellow tones have been captured to create a vibrant scene. The staggered square windows link the story line of nature and light.


The flower shop serves as an experimental "window" to the aesthetics of life. It is a lively setting full of flowers that connects people to one another and to the precious rituals of good living on a daily basis. Amid the beautiful flowers, the flower shop preserves the ideal life, flowing the pure and exquisite spirit of the city.


"The core of presenting a good lifestyle at the sales center has remained unchanged. The presentation has changed from a straightforward way to a gentle detour to create an experience. " Only the tension of culture may be linked to the past, mirror the present, and haunt people's hearts under the life-cycle product dimension.


The designers have created a realistic future clubhouse image with high-quality and constant iteration in a light and operable shape by incorporating geo-symbol, variation of current materials, dialogue of oriental poetry, the front of community scenarios, and the shaping of natural light. The lively life scenes are incorporated into the lake community's multi-state module, resulting in a sustainable balance of life flavor and spiritual interest, community interaction and community viscosity, and ultimately improving people's lives.


Project Name: Nanning China Overseas·Lake Jingming Sales Office
Location: Nanning, China
Owner: China Overseas Hongyang Nanning Company
Project Area: 733m²
软装设计柘壹设计Z ONE⁺
Decoration Design: Z ONE⁺
硬装设计柘壹设计Z ONE⁺
Interior Design: Z ONE⁺
Architectural Design:LWK + PARTNERS
Design Date:September 2022
Completion Date:December 2022
Photography:One Thousand Degrees Image
Special Thanks: China Overseas Hongyang Real Estate / P&D Department, China Overseas Hongyang Nanning Company / D&M Department