
The favorite moon is after the slanting tide, and the fishing fire of the Manjiang River is in full swing.


The original Yundang Port is rich in swim bladder fish, and fish boats always fishing at night. One boat with one light, swaying, sparkling, beautiful scenery, hence named "Yundang Fishing Fire".


Today's "Yundang Night" takes Bailuzhou as the main body, with the awareness of the times and the trend of trendy modern fashion,


Set visiting, sightseeing, leisure, entertainment, fitness, shopping, catering as one, is the center of Xiamen's new and old town, people's ideal leisure place.


The stone pagoda that exists on Huming Road originally lives on the sea surface of Yundang Port and is a testimony to the rapid changes in Xiamen.



The decoration at the entrance reflects the exquisite and elegant details and indicative features, and the overall style is enhanced while symbolizing the idea of "welcoming guests".


The low-key lights illuminate downward, like the sun about to set in the harbor, welcoming the different life of the night.

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Step by step, change the scenery step by step.

The entire sales center interprets the long-standing lifestyle in a light luxury style in a unified breath and rhythm, and there is no lack of dignity while feeling the culture.


The space is black to simulate the depth of the night, and the steady and calm breath floats in the air to form a peaceful sea level.


The lights converge into fireworks in the ocean, igniting the hope of life, and shaking the oars to reach the harbor.


The light combined with the floral arrangement shines through the gaps between the branches and leaves, and the flexible light spots appear from time to time, undulating at the sunken sea level.


Each light is a watch and hope, which converges into a brilliant light.


The water bar is very luxurious, and the high-profile famous wine brings not only visual impact, but also makes the space wafting with intoxicating wine,


 stimulating the impulse to spend thousands of dollars, and skillfully achieving a hazy artistic conception.


The orange light is particularly warm and vibrant against the black background, which is also the power and call of the fishing fire.


The semi-transparent screen blurs the sound and shadows of people, giving the negotiation area a private and unrestricted conversation.


The light and shadow sway between the screens, like the sparkling reflection of the lake, making the scene of the swaying fishing fire seem to reappear in front of you.

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The wrap-around tables and chairs give people a sense of security, like the stability and tranquility of people in fishing boats on the uncertain sea, and the sense of satisfaction and happiness is brewed in "the wind is undecided, and people are quiet already".


The lamp on the table pulls the distant scene in, and the fishing fire is no longer a flickering point in the distance, it shines in front of the eyes with a warm and peaceful side.


The soft decoration atmosphere is condensed in the art galleries on both sides of the negotiation area, nostalgic lights inscribe the footprints of time, retro old objects precipitate the traces of time, and heavy marble carries the memories of a generation.



All the decorations provoke the contemplation and memories of the people in the space, and all touch the feeling of nostalgia.

Culture and history are the silent nourishment of moisturizing things, and he rubs into his bloodline and cannot be separated, and subtle movements can set off subconscious uproars


In the flickering and extinguishing of the fishing fire, the way of life that remained in the bloodline began to awaken, and the residents of the land and water developed a deep bond and emotion.



The sense of belonging to history is deeply hidden in the subconscious of people, but it is indelible.

The π SQUARED design uses modern design language to integrate the image of Yundang fishing fire, presenting a contemporary Yundang night in the soft decoration design of the sales center           

项目名称 | 厦门华润筼筜悦府营销中心

开发企业 | 厦门润置房地产开发有限公司 

特别鸣谢 | 华润华南大区 程晓㬢 周扬 冯琳

             华润福建片区公司 郑艳 邱晓波

项目类型 | 营销中心

项目地址 | 厦门筼筜湖

软装设计 | π SQUARED派平方设计

设计团队 | 谢新平 张立金 杨超 王景佳美 杨敏雁

传媒策划 | π Brand Studio

硬装设计 | 壹方空间

设计面积 | 400㎡

项目摄影 | 鲁哈哈

完工时间 | 2023.5