



Lifestyle, Multi-dimensional Sensory Balance


Amidst the bustling city, it stands tall, offering a serene view that contrasts with the busy modern life. Surrounded by mountains and water, the Xixi Wetland integrates natural landscapes into its housing, creating a harmonious way of life.


How to interpret a poetic life while blending historical and natural elements, rooted in Hangzhou's Song Dynasty aesthetics yet fitting contemporary lifestyles? We tackles this intricate challenge, from overall planning to intricate details, capturing inspiration from history and nature in the spatial dimension to respond to this complex quest. Every inch of space becomes an expression of emotion, an elevation of artistic expression, and a source of inspiration for the days to come.


In the slices of time, based on the appreciation of landscapes, we rediscover a dialogue between modernism and traditional local landscape ink painting, achieving a spiritual creation and poetic transcendence. It leaves behind a sense of remote contemplation for the present, allowing us to seek solace in landscapes amidst contemporary life.



Time's Embrace, Modern Landscape Refuge



Engaging in a fresh perspective on traditional forms, we explore multi-dimensional possibilities. Beyond adhering to established norms and standardized living patterns, through unique spatial arrangements, we create diverse and unconventional interior spaces, bestowing them with new meaning.


Finding serenity amidst the urban bustle, a transformative journey awaits on the way back. Guided by the subconscious, you enter the tranquil and profound space of the dark-hued box, transitioning to the foyer. Gentle sunlight filters through light leather-clad screens, breaking barriers and inviting visitors to explore the tranquil life within. Each scene encountered becomes a unique response to a lifestyle, weaving a captivating narrative in the bustling city.


The parlor and tea room intertwine as spaces of both physical and mental expression. The sculpture "Muse" by artist Guanshuai Mao embodies flowing lines, evoking a warm and intimate atmosphere. The ink-black sofa adds a touch of Eastern allure, exuding a calm and embracing essence.


The dining space boasts an open expanse adorned with natural elements like metal lines, dark wood, and beige marble. Time-worn materials add depth and discovery, while a flowing corridor achieves a harmonious balance between lively and serene spaces, creating an enchanting extension.


Artfully curated resting space, adorned with warm materials that harmoniously blend and repeat throughout. Lei Hong's "Resurrection," creatively weaves uncertainty and control, offering a tranquil haven where rationality meets emotion.


When we sit quietly by the window, and inadvertently look up, we can gaze at the slow movement of clouds in the sky. Time seems to freeze, becoming a delightful moment in life.



Forging Connections Beyond Symbolism


真正的装饰并不是去做外表的装饰, 而是与内在的结构相关联 — 弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特。从短暂停留的惬意中,步入另一个空间,是另一种生活方式,别有洞天。金属线条、块面线性以及大面米白色皮革的运用,赋予会客空间柔美的情绪,是东方的神秘感,大气而拥有张力。现代主义建筑的美学记忆在设计中娓娓道来,强调着几何的线条感,家俱与空间元素融合便得以纳入设计的点-线-面之间。

True ornament is not a matter of prettifying externals - Frank Lloyd Wright. From delightful brief stays to another space, a different lifestyle awaits, creating a sense of mystery and tension through the use of metal lines, blocky linear elements, and creamy-white leather. Modernist architectural aesthetics come to life, highlighting geometric lines and seamlessly integrating elements into the design's points, lines, and planes.


Enabling natural interactions between different scenes, from converging gazes to harmonious interplay between materials, this design infuses Eastern restraint with a touch of sensibility, creating a vivid and elegant lifestyle.

艺术家Ryan Matthew Mitchell煤球的《绿白狮吼》矗立在客厅中央,直观地编织了形象、 容器和抽象。透过西方人的视角,蒙着一层纱,观察东方,带着一丝神秘感,将不同的文化和历史表现联系起来,展示了空间的东西方文化交融。底座雕塑台由粉色玉石打造,色彩对比强烈,纵目间意象重叠,成为起居空间的视觉焦点。

Artist Ryan Matthew Mitchell's sculpture "Lions Roar in Green and White" stands at the center of the parlor, connecting Eastern and Western cultures. Its pink jade pedestal contrasts sharply, making it a captivating visual focal point in the parlor.


Continuing the gentle tone of the parlor space, yet intentionally selecting occasional vibrant colors, breaking free from symbolic constraints. The design cleverly blends personal memories and shared urban space recollections, harboring endless creative ideas. Personal experiences quietly transform into a vinyl record on a desk, or a vessel in a corner with travel memories, or even Sun Wenjia's "Evolution M03" artwork by the dining table. The contrast between the natural oriental tone of lacquer and the modernity of intense pink creates a delightful harmony. Each element narrates the fusion of Eastern texture and the Western classical and modern aesthetics brought by the owner's experiences.


The lounge exudes a serene and natural ambiance, offering a harmonious and unpretentious space. 


The Weimo furniture, with its warm material and modest tones, perfectly fits into this tranquil atmosphere.


At the end of the space, we seem to catch a glimpse of a distant scenery. Spirit and matter, modernity and the East intertwine here, becoming wanderers of the soul. No longer needing to travel far, with just a glance, the heart transcends the boundaries of reality. In this serene ambiance, distant expectations have already been fulfilled.

室内设计:W.DESIGN 无间设计

软装设计:W.DESIGN 无间软装





策划:Bobo Zhou

