

——伯特伦·比尔鲍姆(Bertram Bierbaum) 



荷兰最著名的设计师之一 Bertram Bierbaum 与 KABAZ 工作室团队一起设计了他自己的家庭住宅。这座建筑和邻近地区的大规模改造不仅包括全面修复,还包括扩建半个世纪的建筑。结果,所有的努力都得到了回报:我们得到了带有复杂建筑和手工细节的质感极简主义内饰。

Bertram Bierbaum, one of the most famous designers in the Netherlands, designed his own family house with the Kabaz studio team. The large -scale transformation of this building and neighboring areas includes not only comprehensive restoration, but also buildings that have been expanded for half a century. As a result, all the efforts were rewarded: we got the texture minimalist interior with complex buildings and handmade details.

该团队不得不与一座建于 1950 年代的小屋一起工作,周围环绕着宁静的森林景观。起初,设计师考虑拆除,但结果决定改变布局并增加大窗户开口。现在,它们提供了全景景观,这已成为室内不可或缺的一部分,也是避难所在城市喧嚣背景下的倒影。选择视觉和建筑解决方案的完全自由以及与客户具体愿望相关的限制的缺乏导致对每个细节的怀疑。

The team had to work with a hut built in the 1950s and surrounded the quiet forest landscape. At first, the designer considered demolition, but the result decided to change the layout and increase the large window opening. Now, they provide a panoramic view, which has become an indispensable part of the room, and it is also the reflection in the background of the hustle and bustle of the cities where the shelter is located. Selecting the complete freedom of visual and architectural solutions, and the lack of restrictions related to the customer's specific desires lead to doubts about each detail.


For example, the carefully designed TV only needs to press the button to quickly sink into the floor. The same technology is also used to build a mirror sliding door connecting new and old houses. The living area has a tilt roof and colorful pillars, which is the focus of space. Velvet sofa, leather cushion armchair, gray fireplace and potted shrubs with unusual hood support plant patterns.

KABAZ 工作室特别引以为豪的是餐厅里的一组,由上世纪中叶的老式 Fat 组成。起居区拥有倾斜的屋顶和五颜六色的柱子,是空间的焦点。天鹅绒沙发、皮革软垫扶手椅、带不寻常罩子的灰色壁炉和盆栽灌木支撑着植物图案。

Kabaz studio is particularly proud of a set of lights in the restaurant, consisting of old FAT lights in the middle of the last century. The living area has a tilt roof and colorful pillars, which is the focus of space. Velvet sofa, leather cushion armchair, gray fireplace and potted shrubs with unusual hood support plant patterns.

KABAZ 工作室特别引以为豪的是餐厅里的一组,由上世纪中叶的老式 Fat 灯组成。起居区拥有倾斜的屋顶和五颜六色的柱子,是空间的焦点。天鹅绒沙发、皮革软垫扶手椅、带不寻常罩子的灰色壁炉和盆栽灌木支撑着植物图案。KABAZ 工作室特别引以为豪的是餐厅里的一组灯,由上世纪中叶的老式 Fat 灯组成。

Kabaz studio is particularly proud of a set of lights in the restaurant, consisting of old FAT lights in the middle of the last century. The living area has a tilt roof and colorful pillars, which is the focus of space. Velvet sofa, leather cushion armchair, gray fireplace and potted shrubs with unusual hood support plant patterns. Kabaz studio is particularly proud of a set of lights in the restaurant, consisting of old FAT lights in the middle of the last century.




项目地址:荷兰 拉伦

