AMERICAN, B. 1955Louise Pappageorge is a native of Chicago and a graduate of the School of the Art Institute, Chicago. Her work is included in many national and international private and corporate collections, including the City of Chicago Merlo Library. Publications include American Craft, ···
creates vivid and luminous glass works using the time-honored techniques of cane and murrine glass blowing, originally discovered in the glass blowing studios of Venice. Patchen studied in the Public Glass studio in San Francisco under Afro Celotto.Patchen sees glass as both a thoughtful, cr···
SPANISH, B. 1960Miguel Guía is a Spanish artist born in 1960This artist from Madrid is a painter and sculptor, he creates artworks of great force. However, it is sculpture which became his favorite medium, he does mostly pieces in bronze, all of his pieces are examples of expression of a gr···
AMERICAN, B. 1955Jeff Koons was born in York, Pennsylvania, in 1955. He studied at the Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. He received a BFA from the Maryland Institute College of Art in 1976. Koons lives and works in New York City.美···
Born in Johannesburg in 1991, sculptor Driaan Claassen first studied 3D animation before apprenticing with Otto du Plessis, artist and founder of Bronze Age Foundry. Claassen is currently based in Cape Town, where he opened his own design and fine art studio, Reticence, in 2015.Claassen work···
Jésus Curia Perez est né en 1969 en Espagne et travaille à Madrid .Ses sculptures sont principalement réalisées en bronze.Il sculpte la nature humaine , ses faiblesses, ses joies, ses peines auquelles il applique une technique irréprochable."Les sculptures de Jesús Curia susciten···
Né en 1972- ItalieGehard Demetz assemble de petits blocs de bois, précis et polis avec des morceaux bruts, obtenant de la sorte des résultats contrastés."Qu’est-ce que ces adolescents tristes aux regards désabusés et aux bouches tombantes, ligotés pour certains, presque menaçan···
Né en 1955 à TunisAutodidacte, issu d’une famille de peintres (Moses Levy, Nello Lévy)Vit et travaille à PARISDe ce magma informe du mal-être et de l’indicible, il fait surgir, d’un pinceau incisif, des formes brutales, fondamentales. Débarrassées de l’anecdote etde l’illustratio···
万众瞩目的台北演艺中心落成, 2022年8月7日正式对外开放. 这座巨大的建筑由三个剧院组成,插入一个中央立方体。'戏剧有很悠久的传统。 OMA 创始合伙人雷姆·库哈斯 (Rem Koolhaas) 说 ,我们已经看到当代表演剧院越来越标准化,内部运营原则保守。“我们希望为剧院的历史做出贡献。在台北,我们能够以一种特殊···
2022年威尼斯艺术双年展沙特阿拉伯馆沙特阿拉伯第三次重返威尼斯 2022 年双年展,展示了由 Reem Fadda 和 Rotana Shaker 策划的 Muhannad Shono 的 40 米长的特定场地装置。2022 年 4 月 23 日至 11 月 27 日,在Armi 军械库展出,名为“教学树”的巨大艺术作品由涂成黑色的棕榈叶制成,并通过气动装置进行动画处理···
Studio Shinyoo 与韩国渔网回收公司 Netspa 合作,为废弃的所谓“鬼网”增添新价值。该项目被称为 NET_WORK,以一系列复杂的艺术品、家具和由重新利用的网组成的物体为特色。由此产生的有机形式提醒观众生长苔藓,进一步强调了努力的环境特征。用废弃的渔网制成的叶子状的形状废弃的渔网正在海洋中夺去许多生命。每···
已故艺术家布朗温·奥利弗( Bronwyn Oliver)被广泛认为是澳大利亚最著名的雕塑家之一,他拥有将细铜线塑造成复杂图案的无与伦比的能力。她的菊石、棕榈叶和单芽雕塑造型极简,结构极其精细,摆动的线条勾勒出化石的边缘,或展开成丰满樱花的精致网状物。Widely regarded as one of the most renowned sculptors i···
夏威夷艺术家杰奎琳·拉什·李(Jacqueline Rush Lee )主要使用重新利用的书籍,通过堆叠、缝合和以不寻常的形式粘贴页面来构建概念雕塑。有时,这些书被组装成模棱两可或随意的形状,看起来像一本书,而在其他部分,页面则被紧密地组织成可识别的物体,如花瓣或碗的设计。李最近是夏威夷大学马诺阿分校的驻地艺术···
Hewlett-Packard 可能并不以生产世界级的木工而闻名,但他们至少可以部分归功于法国人 Pascal Oudet,他是一名电气工程师,他的职业生涯始于 1998 年为 HP 设计计算机主板。Oudet 发现这份工作是去当地一家大型木工店。当他的许多同事在业余时间攀登阿尔卑斯山时,Oudet 开始将越来越多的空闲时间花在做木工上。几年···

