Anna Hepler is a sculptor based in Eastport, Maine. Her work, which is both hand-held and architectural in scale, overturns first impressions – wire forms flatten into drawings, clay impersonates metal, plywood coils like rope, plastic inhales and exhales. Hepler values embarrassment, uncer···
AMERICAN, B. 1944Jared FitzGerald was born in Seattle, Washington, and studied painting and classical archaeology at the University of Washington. The son of celebrated American artists James FitzGerald and Margaret Tomkins, he developed a passion for art at an early age. He traveled extensi···
Originally from Lille, Delphine Brabant (1964) comes from a family of artists. She began sculpting very early and was a student of Jean-Marc Lange in the 1990’s. She now lives and works in the Parisian region.Delphine Brabant(1964年)来自里尔,来自一个艺术家的家庭。她很早就开始雕塑创作,并···
Martine和Jacki Perrin自1967年以来形成了一个密不可分的艺术二人组。他们在跟随韩国书法大师Ung No Lee学习书法时开始从事陶瓷创作。他们对玻璃的兴趣始于1995年,这种材料很快成为他们最喜欢的媒介。2001年,他们开发了 "Build-in-Glass "方法,这是一个通过融合来切割和重新组合玻璃的过程,然后像大理···
Sam Chung在亚利桑那州坦佩市生活和工作。他是一位陶瓷艺术家和亚利桑那州立大学的艺术教授。作为第二代韩裔美国人,他探索陶器,从跨文化的角度重新构建历史陶器,并探索容器的隐喻作用。在他目前的作品中,他参考了韩国传统的云彩图案和陶器形状,同时通过他生动、形象的绘画形象将过去和现在并列在一起。云代表着···
AMERICAN, B. 1958Jim Rennert was born in 1958 and grew up in Las Vegas, Nevada and Salt Lake City, Utah. After 10 years of working in business, Rennert started sculpting in 1990. He had his first bronze sculptures cast by a foundry in Lehi, Utah, in 1992. He began exhibiting his work in comm···
出生信息: 1947 年 6 月(74 岁),荷兰马斯特里赫特汉娜克·博蒙特(Hanneke Beaumont)是荷兰雕塑家,以赤土陶器,青铜器和铸铁的大型雕塑作品而闻名。Hanneke Beaumont出生于马斯特里赫特(荷兰)。在美国学习后,她回到了欧洲,来到了比利时。博蒙特在布莱内尔阿勒德艺术学院开始了她的艺术学习,然后在拉坎布雷···
AMERICAN, B. 1955Louise Pappageorge is a native of Chicago and a graduate of the School of the Art Institute, Chicago. Her work is included in many national and international private and corporate collections, including the City of Chicago Merlo Library. Publications include American Craft, ···